8 Reasons Why You Should Date a Guy Who Drinks Old Monk

Admin 18-Oct-2014 11:44:43 Inothernews

8 Reasons Why You Should Date a Guy Who Drinks Old Monk

Girls, date a man who drinks old monk. Date a man who is a saint at heart and can handle himself well when he is drunk. And that’s not everything about him. There’s a whole lot more to this man the people around him call ‘gem of a person.’

1. He Has a Taste in All Things good; damned be the Superficialities

Are you someone who hates trying to be something you are not? If so, the guy who drinks old monk may just be the One for you.

He likes real things. And he keeps genuine people in his company.

This dude likes, loves and is committed to Old Monk and savors every drop of it. He will also admire and adore a woman of class.


2. If He Likes You, No Damsel in the World Can Take Your Place

Well, he can see through surrogate advertising.

That’s precisely the reason why he drinks Old Monk no matter how hard other brands try to change his mind.

Take this, for example.

The guy who drinks Old Monk doesn’t give a shit about this.

He is in love with Old Monk and this love is eternal.


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