10 Signs You Are The Mom In Your Group

Admin 11-Aug-2014 16:58:51 Inothernews

10 Signs You Are The Mom In Your Group

Every group has that one person who always offers you a tissue when you cry, snacks when you are hungry and lots of advice when you’re lost. The mom of your group - she proudly carries the tag and is not at all ashamed of being called one. The cement that binds your group stronger, she has the solution to all your problems. From dropping you home when drunk to taking care of you when you are sick, she does it all proudly and doesn’t even want to take credit for it. Here are 10 signs you are the mom in your group.

You take care of your friends’ every little need. Your bag is a tiny household in itself which stocks everything from snacks, medicines to stationary.


You ensure that your friends don’t drink too much, and when they do, they don’t drunk dial their ex, and reach home safely.


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