10 Types of Boyfriends That Are likely For you to Cheat Giving you

Admin 26-Feb-2015 17:15:16 Inothernews

10 Types of Boyfriends That Are likely For you to Cheat Giving you

Let's be honest. There are some brilliant, good looking, sweet guys out there, waiting to sweep you off your feet. Why are you even wasting your time? You deserve a guy who treats you better, who keeps you happy and these guys are really not the type for that. So just read on to find out which ones to skip while you're out there shopping for your next date!

1. The one who is paranoid that you're cheating on him with everyone you talk to.

He checks your call logs, your messages, your emails, and wants to know every last detail about your life. Chances are, that he's guilty about doing the same things behind your back and imagines you to be doing the same out of guilt.


2. The one who is weirdly secretive about everything.

It's one thing to want privacy and space, and it's another to be constantly defensive and on your guard. If simple questions like "what's up?" or "where are you?" are met with responses like "mind your business!" all the time, you probably have something to worry about.


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