13 Remarkably Sexist Estimates About Males That are Complete Bullshit.

Admin 20-Dec-2014 16:45:15 Inothernews

13 Remarkably Sexist Estimates About Males That are Complete Bullshit.

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you read the word 'sexist'? Women? Stereotypes about women? Discrimination against women? Feminism? A lot of us completely overlook the fact that sexism affects men just as badly as it hits women in the society. Some would argue that men don't have to suffer at the hands of sexism the same way women do. But is that really true? We have all seen guys being asked to vacate seats, carry heavy loads, and in general "toughen up" because that's what men are supposed to do. Read on to find out some highly sexist quotes about men, that are complete and utter bullshit.

1. Boys don't cry.

Embracing emotions and coming to terms with bad things in life is not meant for them. Instead, boys are expected to swallow their rage and sorrows and present a tough facade to the world. Of course, when they do, we readily dish out comment number two.


2. Men can't handle emotions.

Believe it or not, men actually go through the entire range of emotions - and probably a little better than you do.


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