15 Things You can Correspond with If you have The Poker Face.

Admin 05-Jan-2015 17:59:20 Inothernews

15 Things You can Correspond with If you have The Poker Face.

Poker Face (noun): an impassive expression that hides one's true feelings. Having a poker face is both a gift and a curse. While you can hide your thoughts and feelings from everyone else, a lot of people will think you're arrogant and unemotional. In a lot of circumstances, it is helpful because you want to hide how you're feeling. But on the odd occasion where you are opening up to others, they find it hard to believe because your facial expressions do not correspond to how you claim you're feeling.

3. You maintain a neutral face most of the time.

Especially when you're with your group, at work or in public. It has gotten you out of many difficult situations. And it looks like this:


4. You can get away with lying.

Whether you reach home drunk and convince your parents you're not, or you lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend for not calling, you get away with everything!


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