7 Hilarious Questions Every Indian Catholic Is Tired Of Answering

Admin 09-Oct-2014 12:36:40 Inothernews

7 Hilarious Questions Every Indian Catholic Is Tired Of Answering

Catholics are undoubtedly known to be a fun-loving bunch of pao walas, whose partying style is often compared to that of the Vengaboys- Yea… We’re going to Ibiza! The name calling and stereotyping doesn’t stop there, it goes on to maka paos, bloody buggers and so on. Keeping all this aside, here are some more questions that we’re extremely (in the most extreme sense) tired of answering.

3. I’m sure you’ve studied in a convent school, haven’t you?

Oh yea, when we’re born our parents tend to throw us in the arms of nuns and priests to ensure we’re on the catholic bandwagon throughout. So much for the love of paos!


4. You eat Dukkar?

Of course we eat dukkar… What men, bugger? A fact not openly spoken about often is that we Catholics inherit the impeccable talent of eating anything that moves or should I say moooooooossssss and grunts! Enough said.


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