Did You Know You’ve Been Packing Your Bags Wrong Your Entire Life?

Admin 03-Jun-2015 17:34:04 Inothernews

Did You Know You’ve Been Packing Your Bags Wrong Your Entire Life?

Did you know that most people don't know how to pack properly? Packing efficiently for a trip actually has a science behind it and when the "scientific way" is followed, you can save on a lot of space and money (no extra baggage). So, bookmark this article because here are some handy tips on how to pack efficiently:

1. Store your necklaces in individual plastic bags to prevent them from tangling.

No more, sitting on the edge of your hotel bed trying to untangle your favourite piece of bling.



3. Use pill boxes or old lip balms to store jewelry like rings and earrings.

Separate the rings from the earrings by stacking them in to individual box. This way you won't ever lose anything precious.

Source: Pinterest


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