You Have Witnessed, Enjoyed And Ignored The Venom In Their Stars, Now Read This

Admin 29-Oct-2014 18:24:00 Inothernews

You Have Witnessed, Enjoyed And Ignored The Venom In Their Stars, Now Read This

I think it is our self-containment that has deterred our evolution for ages, our assumption of being on the top of evolution chain is the primary reason we engage in the exploitation of the “lesser” species for our recreation. The Snake in general is a creature of immense magnificence and beauty, some of us may find it filthy, slimy and ugly but does that devoid it from the gift of life or the freedom that mother nature has equally bestowed upon each of the species existing on this blue planet.

The snakes used by the charmers(the irony) are “Fixed” by defanging them without using any kind of anesthetic and their mouths sewn shut leaving only little space for milk and water to go in, their poison glands or the venom ducts are often pierced with hot needles to render them venom- less or as we humans try to put it “harmless” , it is quite amusing that we torture the bloody soul out of an organism to turn them “harmless”. None of the animals survive this treatment and die a slow painful death.


The “dance” of a snake is nothing more than a defense mechanism, the sway is to protect itself from a potential threat, which in this case is the snake-charmer’s pipe. As a matter of the fact , snake charming is so callous and violent that it has been banned by the government under the Wildlife Act of 1972, but is still practiced in blatant defiance.


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