10 Awesome Benefits Of Being A Lazy Person

Admin 26-Mar-2016 13:28:14 Inothernews

10 Awesome Benefits Of Being A Lazy Person

Laziness and procrastination have a lot of bad connotation attached to them. Be lazy and you are termed as unproductive and inefficient and a bad person, basically. But being lazy has its benefits. That is keeping in mind that the laziness comes in temporary spurts and is not the predominant way you spend your time. Laziness can make you a better person, if you are smart in using it as a resource, rather than an impediment to productivity. It also gives you single minded focus to do the tasks you left for the last minute. Because of laziness, you must have left some jobs to be done for the last minute. And because you left the job for the last moment, when you sit down to do it, you do it with great intensity and concentration. And you like the thrill that comes with it.

If you are lazy, you are probably very clever too.

Being lazy makes people label you as dull and stupid. But actually lazy people are clever and intelligent people. Laziness is just something you see, because even if the person in front of you looks like a slob, you have no idea what is going on in their head.


Laziness can sometimes make you more productive.

Lazy people are too lazy to even do things that make you unproductive – like surf Facebook during work, play games and while away your time on your phone.

With these out of your way, being productive is the only choice you have got left. Because even chilling out requires effort and energy.


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