At 12,000-Year-Old Temple In Lahore Pakistan Celebrates Holi For Harmony

Admin 26-Mar-2016 17:16:33 Inothernews

At 12,000-Year-Old Temple In Lahore Pakistan Celebrates Holi For Harmony

The Valmiki Temple located in the narrow streets near the New Anarkali Bazar in Lahore might not get the attention it would generally get. After all, it is the oldest temple in Pakistan. However, on Holi, the 12,000-year-old marvel buzzed with joy as people from different religions got together to celebrate the fun and frolic that comes complimentary with Holi. When bystanders and shopkeepers nearby saw people having fun, even they couldn't resist the joy of celebrating with colours. Drenched in vibrant colours, how could one differentiate on the basis of religion?

Standing strong for years, the Valmiki temple, over the years, has faced enough angst from religious extremists, angry mobs and land grabbers. Yet, it still manages to stand tall as one of the only two temples (other being Krishna temple) in Lahore.

1992 was its biggest test of faith in fact. Right after the demolition of the Babri Masjid in India, an angry mob marched into the temple, smashing idols left, right and centre, including a tile made of gold by Valmiki's feet. They took with them all the gold and the jewels that once adorned the statues. Rubble and ashes were all that was left of this temple.


Now, 24 years later, after the temple was reconstructed, and the idols replaced with photographs of religious figures, the temple opens its doors to the public to experience the spectacle of festivals like Diwali and Holi.

So while some sections of the society prefer to stay regressive and live in the Pandora's box they have created for themselves, the number of progressive individuals who look at the world and its people as one is also increasing. Pakistan had earlier proposed festivals like Holi, Diwali and Easter being made into public holidays in their National Assembly. The resolution was also met with a lot of enthusiasm from the locals, but the bill hasn't been passed yet.


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