Here Are 16 Interesting Facts That Science Has To Say About Siblings

Admin 11-Feb-2016 14:51:49 Inothernews

Here Are 16 Interesting Facts That Science Has To Say About Siblings

"I wish I was an only child." This is a thought that every person who grew up with a sibling might relate to. The constant picking over possessions, the mandatory need to share each and every damn thing, the constant battle for your parents love and not to forget the constant comparison between each other; your world is a war-zone when you have a sibling under the same roof. Over time you realize that regardless of all the irritation and annoyance your siblings are the best gifts that your parents could ever have given to you. You adapt to their presence around the house, and eventually can't think of life without them. So, we decided to compile a list of some interesting scientific facts about siblings, and how intricately they're entwined in each other's lives.

You spend more time with your siblings than anyone else

A Pennsylvania State University study revealed that by the time children turn 11, they spend about 33% of their spare time with their siblings.

In fact, even after they grow up and get busy with their lives, they spend about 11 hours a week with each other, and the duration escalates to 17 hours if the siblings are part of a big family.


Fights between siblings are natural

A study has said that siblings who are aged between 3 and 7 years old are involved in fights 3 1/2 times in an hour.

The frequency is even worse with toddlers who reportedly fight every 10 minutes.


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