The Words Whisky and Whiskey Are NOT The Same. Here is The Difference Between The Two Spellings

Admin 01-Jul-2016 15:26:44 Inothernews

The Words Whisky and Whiskey Are NOT The Same. Here is The Difference Between The Two Spellings

I'm sure the liquor connoisseurs among us have had this debate at least once - what's the correct way to spell it, whiskey or whisky. If you're true connoisseurs, you probably know already, but for the rest of us, I've got answers. The two aren't just different ways to spell the same word, but actually represent to some extent where your drink hails from. When the liquor is spelled as 'whisky', it usually denotes Scotch whisky and Scotch-inspired liquors - such as Canadian and Japanese - and when spelled with an 'e', 'whiskey' denotes the Irish and American liquors.

According to Whiskey For Everyone, this difference in the spelling comes from the translations of the word from the Scottish and Irish Gaelic forms.

There is a difference in the composition of these liquors as well. The Scots use malted barley in most whisky that is produced, however this is not the case in Ireland. The Irish also use malted barley, but may mix other grains in with it.

So the next time you find yourself in a conversation about this you can put on your connoisseur hat and enlighten the crowd with this fascinating titbit.


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