X+Y Stories: 8 mathematically hilarious photographs that would make you cant stand those people volumes just a little fewer.

Admin 12-Dec-2014 17:03:58 Inothernews

X+Y Stories: 8 mathematically hilarious photographs that would make you cant stand those people volumes just a little fewer.


There is a very noticeable thing about the things you hate in life- they never tend to cease popping up. All these years, We have tried to abscond its presence, many a times successfully but yet it somehow manages to creep back into our lives. It’s an “Average Student’s” ultimate nemesis, as to Superman is Darkseid, to Batman is the Joker, to Wolverine is Sabertooth, to Women is Silence and to an Average Student is ‘Mathematics’. We’ve got you these pictures that would surely have your funny bones tickled.


2. It starts with this amazing picture where the student takes things literally…


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