Amidst the ongoing the battle between VK Sasikala and former Tamil Nadu CM O Panneerselvam, there has been a strange new development. Supporters of OPS are distributing contact numbers of MLAs, asking people to call them and inform them as to whom do they support for the CM post.
One of the members of the AIADMK IT wing on Wednesday tweeted a list with numbers while asserting his support for OPS and asking people to show their support by calling or texting their respective MLAs.
If you feel tat decision taken by #OPS s right,take a min, call orTxt ur MLA.
— Hari Prabhakaran (@Hariadmk) February 8, 2017
All i could do is to create a platform to pass on voice of TN
Please contact your MLA,local party reps& tell them to represent your wishes on the choice of the CM, democratically.Whoever u might support
— arvind swami (@thearvindswami) February 9, 2017
@thearvindswami mlas scolding and threatening the ppls when called..
— ???????? ????????? (@vignesh06_m) February 9, 2017
Called Sreeperampathur MLA Pazhani on his number 9884353649, askd him 2 support OPS.He is threatening me .Feeling bad that I voted for him.
— Dinesh (@tweetbydinesh) February 8, 2017
If anyone the MLAs didn't respond or abuses, please not down. We will organize a protest before his residence.
— Hari Prabhakaran (@Hariadmk) February 8, 2017
@Hariadmk Ur number?...If there is an opportunity to join your future IT Jobless????..Pure AMMA supporter hari..8 yrs work experi..????????
— Felix Roy (@felix2roy) February 8, 2017
SIvakasi MLA Rajendra Balaji is beating OPS supporters . Call Him, Register Your Protest 094433 43799. record the call #Sasikala #OPSForCM
— vijayakumar (@iamvijayakumar) February 9, 2017
@OPS is the best bet to save @TamilNadu. Find out Mobile Nos of your local MLA and ask him to support @CM
— Subramani Lakshmi (@lsubramani60873) February 9, 2017
Please contact your MLA,local party reps& tell them to represent your wishes on the choice of the CM, democratically.Whoever u might support
— arvind swami (@thearvindswami) February 9, 2017