10 Highly successful people Have been Not really Delivered Loaded Nevertheless Managed to get Genuinely Major within Life.

Admin 26-Dec-2014 11:51:45 Inothernews

10 Highly successful people Have been Not really Delivered Loaded Nevertheless Managed to get Genuinely Major within Life.

We all have known people whom we have called 'lucky bastards' and 'filthy rich' at one point of time or the other. However, there have been some people in the world who had an actual pile of 'filth' to start with and made their luck themselves! These inspirational and true 'rags-to-riches' stories teach us that when the odds are against us and life gives us lemons, chuckle..and make a pickle!

3. Larry Ellison

Cofounder, Oracle
Larry Ellison is among the wealthiest men on the planet. But life wasn't always this rosy for Ellison. The software pioneer, quit his college after just one term but that one term changed the course of his entire life. His first encounter with computer design was enough to get him pepped up about opening his own company, Software Development Laboratories later named as Oracle Systems Corporation.


4. Steve Jobs

Founder, Apple Inc.
Its hard to imagine how far removed from technology was the man who founded some of the most revolutionary technological gadgets of our times. Quitting college midway due to lack of funds, returning empty coke bottles for money and depending on temples for free meals, this man who was considered a hippie. The fact that the same man founded Apple Inc. and that a feature film is being made on his life shows that nothing is impossible if you have a strong will.


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