10 Irritating Things We All Do On Our Whatsapp!

Admin 07-Nov-2014 14:50:27 Inothernews

10 Irritating Things We All Do On Our Whatsapp!

Accept it! We all have, at some point done these annoying things on our whatsapp. If you haven't, you're probably lying! In this age of smartphones, where people have replaced the-calling-tradition with instant chat messengers, Whatsapp is one app that has claimed its popularity universally. But, the scary part is that this habit of using chat messengers has made all of us develop creepy stalker tendencies, which stands true for Whatsapp users the most. Here are ten things that all of us do on Whatsapp, or rather, Whatsapp does to us!

9. Status stalkers

So your best friend broke up last night and you’re not really the first one to know. Well she hasn’t even told you actually, but you know it because she changed her display picture to a sad-girl wallpaper and her status to a “The End” or even cheesier- “It’s Over”. The space ideally supposed to be used for Available or Busy is practically used to broadcast our personal events via lyrics and symbolic pictures. Aww, so deep!


10. God couldn’t be present on Whatsapp, so he made parents

Once upon a time, every boy and girl in their adolescence phase used to lie to their parents and talk to their newly found romance on phone, whispering under blankets. This was a flashback. Present is the whatsapp era, where your parents are smart enough to keep patrolling your whatsapp last-seens and display pictures to know what you are up to. Thanks to the new settings though, uncle and aunty, a lot of you can’t see our details now.


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