10 Signs That You’re ALWAYS Poor

Admin 13-Oct-2014 19:21:05 Inothernews

10 Signs That You’re ALWAYS Poor

We’ve all faced a time where money becomes an issue, but there is another set of people for whom money is ALWAYS an issue. They are the ones who spend as soon as money gets into their hands and regret the broke state they’re in for the rest of the month. We’ve collated some such hilarious signs that people who are always poor can relate to.

5. You attend random events/ social gatherings just for FREE food.

“Dominos ke�naye branch pe free garlic bread mil raha hai. Mein wahi hu!”


Free stuff = Your presence.


6. You still take money from your parents, in spite of earning a good enough salary.

On getting a job you were so proud and loudly told your parents, “Aaj ke baad mein ghar se paise nahi lunga.” One month later, “Papa, thode paise mil sakte hai kya?”


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