13 Things New Parents Say To Other Married Couples

Admin 11-Aug-2014 14:43:32 Inothernews

13 Things New Parents Say To Other Married Couples

Having a little one join the family is both a very joyous and momentous thing. A lot of times, the baby completely turns a married couple’s life on its head. While they cope with the trials of parenthood, all they can talk about is the baby and they even begin to coax their married friends to go ahead and plan to extend their families. These are things that all new parents say to their friends;

Let me tell you about my pregnancy woes, so that you’re prepared.

Not now, please! I am still in my honeymoon period and don’t want to hear scary stories about labor pain, contractions, the time your water broke or the time baby was stuck somewhere for long?


I have no time to remain fit!

Well, everybody knows that you had a baby but that was 3 years ago! Nobody expects you to hit the gym with a vengeance but how about some yoga or meditation? Won’t the baby love to have a hot-mommy/ daddy to show off in front of friends?


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