13 Unusual Sexual Methods From All over the world.

Admin 23-Apr-2015 12:36:14 Inothernews

13 Unusual Sexual Methods From All over the world.

People have been getting freaky in the bedroom (and outdoors) for centuries, and sometimes, things get pretty crazy. Whether it's because of tradition, culture or just general kinkiness, there's a bunch of weird sexual customs the world over that make you go WTF.

3. The Kreung Tribe builds love huts where teenaged girls can have sex with different men till they find the one

With the Kreung Tribe in Cambodia, the elders build a love-hut for their teenage daughters. Different boys spend the night here day after day, until she finds a suitable partner, who is then with her for life.


4. Boys & girls of the Sambian tribe have to drink semen

The Sambian Tribe of New Guinea have a tradition of separating their boys from the girls at the age of 7 for 10 years. During this period, they undergo piercings, nose bleeds and have to drink the semen of the tribes mightiest warriors. Game over.


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