17 Things About You That Say You Are From A Boarding School

Admin 08-Oct-2014 16:15:05 Inothernews

17 Things About You That Say You Are From A Boarding School

Do you remember the time your parents told you that you were being put in a boarding school? You pleaded with them not to send you away, promised to be good, blackmailed them and cried buckets. You thought your world had come to an end. But instead, you just found a whole new world. Boarding school comes with its own set of strict rules and restrictions, but living by them has strengthened your character and made you independent. It has taught you about friendships that last a lifetime and instilled a sense of values, which everyone around you admires. No matter where you go or what you do, in your heart, you'll always remain a boarding school boy/girl. And it shows! Even when you don't tell people that you're from a boarding school, these tell-tale signs do:

5. Every hill station makes you feel like you're back in school.


6. For you, 15 minutes is more than enough for a hair wash and bath.


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