18 Reasons NEEM Is A Godsend Plant

Admin 01-Oct-2014 16:52:17 Inothernews

18 Reasons NEEM Is A Godsend Plant

Now, since Ayurvedic medicines are obtained from various herbs, it’s very important for us to know about them. With the aim to start with the commonest and one of the most important, we’ve chosen the Neem tree as the topic of discussion. Burdened with innumerable values, the Neem tree is often referred to as God’s greatest gift to mankind. Let’s try and chart out the reasons why—


If you’ve had chicken pox previously, you’d understand how much your upper back area itches, and the associated pain when you cannot itch it with nails. Well, age old Ayurveda says, that you can hold up a bunch of Neem leaves and lightly scratch your back with it. No, you won’t hurt those blisters; in fact, along with a rest from those itches, it’ll also speed up the recovery process.



If you take neem capsules or have the leaves boiled directly, then, in case you’re suffering from Malaria, it’ll simply shoo away!


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