24 Unusual Rituals And Festivals of India That Will Gives You Goosebumps

Admin 21-Oct-2014 14:20:30 Inothernews

24 Unusual Rituals And Festivals of India That Will Gives You Goosebumps

India is like a storybook, full of strange and wonderful stories. You may not believe what you read, you may not agree with what's written, but one thing is for certain. You just can't stop reading. Because, the more you read, the more fascinating it gets. Many a time, we Indians choose our hearts over our heads. Holding tight all that we believe in, we confidently tread beyond the realm of rational thinking. These celebrations and rituals will raise many questions, but then, not all questions have answers.

9. Rolling over food leftovers - Madey Snana, Karnataka

Casteism has been one of India's oldest problems. While the society has changed and condemns such unwarranted discrimination, many still hold on to it. The Kukke Subramania Temple has a strange centuries old tradition called Madey Snana or Spit Bath. Those from lower castes roll on the floor over food leftovers of Brahmins on banana leaves, to rid themselves of various ailments. This practice was banned in 2010, but it had to be lifted in 2011 after protests by the Malekudiya tribe.The ritual has been categorised as a blind belief in the proposed Karnataka Prevention of Superstitious Practices Bill (2013) after progressive leaders and liberals in the state upped their ante against the controversial practice.


10. Cannibalism and Necromancy - The Aghori way of life, Banaras

The formidable Aghori Sadhus of Banaras are easily recognisable in their long matted hair and bodies smeared in ash. Their way of connecting to God is, very subtly put, off-beat. These monistic saints believe in renouncing the world by finding 'purity in the filthiest.' This leads them to eat human remains after cremation and have intercourse with corpses. They are believed to be posses tantrik powers of healing.


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