5 The reason why Anyone Shouldn’t End up being Insistently Crying Regarding Your health Continuously.

Admin 11-Dec-2014 16:47:03 Inothernews

5 The reason why Anyone Shouldn’t End up being Insistently Crying Regarding Your health Continuously.

So I recently found one of my friends struggling with the most ubiquitous question of all – Give Me a Reason to Love My Life. I gave her five.

5. Because those entire race draining talks that make most of the news in Ferguson and the rest of the world today, have nothing to do with you. You do not have to impatiently wait for the world to come up with a solution that exerts a powerful jackass ray of hope for the irreparable hearts of Black Community in North America. You don’t live in the fear of taking a bullet in the head for committing every insignificant unjust act one can think of. Yes Your Life Is Amazing!


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