7 Crimes Your Dog Is Guilty Of Committing

Admin 27-Aug-2014 12:22:31 Inothernews

7 Crimes Your Dog Is Guilty Of Committing

We've all walked into our houses to witness a pillow massacre or a miraculously clean batter bowl or eaten-up couches. And of course, all of that accompanied with our furry nuisance-makers sitting in one corner looking up at you with those sorry puppy eyes you just can't stay mad at. Here are 7 such crimes your dog is probably guilty of committing.

Poopy pawprints

Ever entered the house feeling like Sherlock following a couple of stinky footsteps leading to the tail-wagging culprit?

They poop & decide to make it disappear using their paws. After unsuccessful attempts they walk away from the crime scene. All around the house!


Sweatshirt is yours. Draw string is mine.

You probably have sweatshirts, shoes etc without draw strings or laces. Thanks to another obsession your dog has.


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