7 Traditional Dystopian Works of fiction ever.

Admin 24-Sep-2014 11:21:23 Inothernews

7 Traditional Dystopian Works of fiction ever.

Many readers, especially youngsters may have enjoyed the recent trilogies of dystopian novels like “The Hunger Games”, “Divergent” and “The Maze Runner”, which portrays society that is often characterized by dehumanization, totalitarian governments, environmental or any other form of cataclysmic decline in society, where the story is set. The characters in the dystopian novels often find themselves in negative societies which is reeling under unfavorable conditions such as mass poverty, public mistrust, police state, squalor, suffering, or oppression which the society has most often brought upon itself. The dystopian literature has more than just entertainment as its purpose. It tries to analyze the reason why things got as bad, often as an analogy for similar issues in the real world. It also comes as political warnings to certain unresolved issues in our society. Here is the list of 7 classic dystopian novels of all time that revolutionized the genre, and at the same time picked the brains of its readers.

1. Nineteen Eighty Four

Author: George Orwell

Nineteen Eighty Four or just 1984 is a very popular dystopian novel set in world lost in perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance, and public manipulation in fictional place called Airstrip One. The Inner Party that calls individualism or even mere independent thinking as “Thought Crimes” and persecutes the criminals rules with an iron hand. The Big Brother is the leader of this oppressive rule, who suppresses everyone for their own greater good. Winston Smith, the protagonist hates Big Brother and hopes for a revolution.


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