8 Reasons Why Section 377 Is A Pain In The Ass

Admin 30-Jul-2014 11:19:28 Inothernews

8 Reasons Why Section 377 Is A Pain In The Ass

Last year, the Supreme Court of India held Section 377 of the IPC which criminalizes acts of homosexuality among other things as “constitutional.” This in effect takes away the basic human rights for a large number of Indians. Section 377 is an archaic English law which criminalizes not only gay acts of intercourse but any act which goes against the “order of nature.” It basically means that even in a heterosexual relationship, a man and a woman can’t do something consensually to which the Supreme Court does not agree to. It’s not about just gay rights, it’s about freedom and privacy. Let’s draw a line somewhere. Here is why Section 377 is a giant pain in the ass.

The British imposed this law on us.

The British came here and imposed this law on us. Now, it’s been repealed in their country while it is still in force here. How retarded is that?


Section 377 says that acts against the order of nature are illegal.

Did you know that many animals exhibit homosexual characteristics? Is that against the order of nature? Besides, who are we to decide what the order of nature is?


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