Coming Out To My Parents Was One Of The Most Challenging Experiences But I’m Glad I Did It

Admin 12-Dec-2015 09:39:56 Inothernews

Coming Out To My Parents Was One Of The Most Challenging Experiences But I’m Glad I Did It

I think I will always remember that morning. December 11th, 2013. We were out on the streets, the two of us. Sitting on the pavement with the pigeons, cigarettes and chai in hand, was our daily breakfast ritual. I don't think I can ever properly describe what it felt like when we found out about the Supreme Court judgement on Section 377, but the memory of it is left intact. "Fuck!", G exclaimed, and handed me her phone. I stared down at the screen, the headline from the news piece staring back at me, unflinching. "Fuck", is all I managed to say.

That's one advantage same-sex couples have. The same way we didn't have to face any questions from intrusive landlords, moving in together was like cake-walk.

My friends knew about me and G from the very beginning. I didn't make any secret of the unadulterated happiness I was feeling. I was unabashed about my sexuality, and my relationship with G. Except of course, with my family.

Three years into my relationship with the love of my life, I still hadn't come out to my parents. And it bothered me, every single waking moment. On the one hand I felt like I had finally found my home, I had found myself, and at the same time it felt like I was living a lie.


I was terrified of how badly I wanted to tell my parents the truth about myself, and also of how much I didn't want them to ever find out.

For the whole span of 3 years, I had tried to slip in LGBT trivia into conversations and even got my Mom to watch movies like Prayers for Bobby, Boys Don't Cry and Taasher Desh (hoping to strike a chord with the Rabindranath reference). The urgency of outing myself to my parents kept getting severe with every passing day. But the fear of the two most important people in my life not accepting me for who I really am almost left me paralyzed on the inside.



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