Did You Know Sitting With Your Legs Crossed Is Actually Harmful For Your Body?

Admin 15-Feb-2016 17:42:54 Inothernews

Did You Know Sitting With Your Legs Crossed Is Actually Harmful For Your Body?

Sitting cross-legged is one of the most common poses that everybody sticks to because it is the answer to appearing elegant. You might not know this but this 'elegant' and 'attractive' pose has some negative health effects. Here's all you need to about the negative effects of crossing your legs:

It increases your chances of developing 'spider veins'

The pressure on your veins increase when you sit with crossed legs. It not only impedes your blood flow but also causes the vessels to weaken. This can ultimately cause pooling of blood in the legs and make your veins swell, which are generally called spider veins.


It can lead to a condition called peroneal nerve paralysis or palsy

Peroneal nerve is the major nerve in your leg that passes just below your knee and along the outside of your leg. If you sit in the cross-legged position for a prolonged period of time, it can cause pressure on the peroneal nerve. This pressure can cause numbness and temporary paralysis of some of the muscles in your foot and leg.


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