Here’s Why You Should Date Someone Who Writes

Admin 13-Apr-2015 16:37:09 Inothernews

Here’s Why You Should Date Someone Who Writes

"If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die." Those who quietly sit at the corner of a coffee shop tightly clutching their diaries, who carefully preserve age-old coffee-stained, sepia-tinted handwritten letters, for whom every person they meet is a character in one of their stories, those who listen to every word you say carefully, the ones who believe in happy endings, those who might be shy at first, but once they start talking, stories flow through words of tongue and pen - those who write - are a story waiting to be untangled.

13. They will talk to you till the middle of the night - meaning every word that they say, and then write about it in their diary - not to be shared with the world.

14. Their diary is their most prized possession and if they let you read it, you are one lucky person.


15. They will keep telling you how lovely you are, and how lucky they are to be with you, until you believe it for yourself.

16. It's easy to make them smile - write them a handwritten note, or buy them some cute stationary and they will be the happiest people in the world.


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