Malavath Poorna Might Remain The Youngest Person To Have Scaled Mount Everest

Admin 27-Apr-2016 15:59:46 Inothernews

Malavath Poorna Might Remain The Youngest Person To Have Scaled Mount Everest

The Nepal Government has put a new law into force to stop attempts by mountaineers under the age of 18, people with disabilities which require another person's assistance, and those who have not scaled a summit of at least 6,500m height in the past.

"It isn't a wilderness experience - it's a McDonald's experience."

Inexperienced mountaineers are a serious drawback and threat to others. "It takes them much longer to manage their gear and rope. There are several occasions when mountaineers are required to be quick and a single moment's delay could lead to loss of life," explains Eberhard Jurgalski who has been chronicling every Everest ascent since 1953.


The biggest threat is that to the sherpas. The Nepal government's law will safeguard the interest of its own people as well. 16 sherpas were killed in an avalanche near Everest in 2014. The law by the Nepal government seeks to protect them.

Although disappointed, Tyler Armstrong wants to put the Everest scaling expedition "on hold" for now. He will be spending the summer in Australia attempting the Three Sisters: Mount Rainier, Mount Adams and Mount Hood. Later he will take on some mountains in Peru. He hopes his attempts will make the government reconsider their rules. "It will help them think like, ‘This kid is ready. We should let him on the mountain’."


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