Old Monk: Purely concocted quotes about the drink of the Legends

Admin 27-Oct-2014 18:22:51 Inothernews

Old Monk: Purely concocted quotes about the drink of the Legends

During the course of the great ‘Churning of the Ocean’ (Samundra Manthan) the scriptures explain everything about that came out in that divine procedure but one thing that failed to make its place in the scriptures was a golden elixir of life (we are not talking about ‘Amrita’ here) , that elixir was Old Monk which was bestowed on us by the universe and has been helping the humankind in eradicating gloom and dismay from the face of the earth. However apocryphal this version of the story might seem to be but the sterling effects of Old Monk are undeniable. So today we are here with a bunch of legendary quotes about the drink of the legends.

“This miraculous potion heals everything from skinned knees from broken hearts” – Charak( one of the authors of Ayurveda)

It is scientifically proven that contents found in Old Monk bubble with medicinal properties , some people also call it the indigenous Penicillin.


“There was this one time I changed water into Old Monk at a wedding in Cana and boy we blew the roof of that place” – Jesus

The spirit of partying is none other than Old Monk itself and even the good Lord can vouch for that.


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