Reasons Why Mumbai Is The Most Amazing City In The World

Admin 28-Jul-2014 15:21:37 Inothernews

Reasons Why Mumbai Is The Most Amazing City In The World

I've been living in Mumbai for more than 6 months now. And even in this short time, Mumbai has left an indelible mark on my personality and life. I have fallen in love with this melting pot of a city where you can find great paradoxes and little joys at every turn. Here are a few reasons why I think Mumbai is the most amazing city in the world.

It is safer for the fairer sex.

Even though recent events have brought this into question, Mumbai remains one of the few cities in India where women don’t have to look behind their backs every 5 minutes. I don't know too many cities where I don't have to think twice before hopping into a cab at 2 am by myself.


If you're not from Mumbai, you’ll soon realize that in this city, you'll never eat your fill and never be hungry enough to starve.

When you’re chasing after your dreams, you tend to forget food and drink. But when you do remember, there’s always Vada Pavs and Misal Pavs.


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