To be a Girl With Varanasi Is defined Ablaze, This Uber Rape Target Speaks Away. Can That Nation At any time Study?

Admin 03-Jan-2015 11:49:35 Inothernews

To be a Girl With Varanasi Is defined Ablaze, This Uber Rape Target Speaks Away. Can That Nation At any time Study?

There have been enough words printed and enough protests about rape and the continued harassment of women, yet the words remain unread and the voices unheard.

“Today, I find it difficult to sleep. Memories of that night keep coming back in flashes to haunt me. I try to sleep but can’t because of the constant fear. The incident has left a deep impact on my psyche, I feel scared to go out alone.”

In the holy city of Varanasi, the woman was burnt alive by three men after she refused to heed to their sexual advances. But a
minor detail in the story stands out as the most shocking bit.
The deceased girl's family had been trying to lodge an FIR against the violators for a long time. But their pleas fell on deaf ears.


Two incidents - One, where a girl was burnt alive because she would not relent to her attackers. Another, where the victim of the Uber tragedy wrote a devastating letter.

Two sides, same coin, same old story. Both upsetting and worse, appalling. Upsetting because of how incapable and helpless they feel. Appalling seeing the 'system' they put their faith into, failing them.

Reading the open letter by the Uber Victim printed in the
Indian Express, one cannot help but notice the helplessness seeping through the words as she says:


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