You’ll Want To Grow A Beard After Reading These Amazing Benefits Of Having One

Admin 22-Feb-2016 18:52:30 Inothernews

You’ll Want To Grow A Beard After Reading These Amazing Benefits Of Having One

Beards can transform a man and how! They look super appealing and edgy with this primal rawness that fascinates both men and women alike. With a whole month dedicated to the brushing and taming of the wonderful face fuzz, it's definitely gaining popularity and for all the right reasons. Well, apart from the eye pleasing quality of a beard, there are many other real benefits of growing one as well. And with these reasons to back us up, we're pretty sure many men will take cue and grow a scruff. It protects you against those nasty allergens. Your facial carpet works as the perfect filtration system. Just as your nose hair filters the air you breath, your beard does the same; it blocks and dispels any and every pollutant that tries to make it to your nostrils. Awesome, right?

Shaving gives you acne.

If you have a beard, then you can be sure that the skin underneath that thick rug is definitely silk smooth. Shaving often spreads out the bacteria that causes acne, but taking care of your beard will ensure a healthy and acne-free skin.


That grunge keeps your skin moist.

Shaving opens up your pores, and makes your skin more prone to bacteria. These exposed pores make your skin lose moisture. The beard makes your skin retain all the moisture, and keeps it moist.


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