Feel It: Krubera Give Is 1. 3 Mile after mile Deep And also Counting.

Admin 23-Sep-2014 12:25:08 Inothernews

Feel It: Krubera Give Is 1. 3 Mile after mile Deep And also Counting.

At 7,208 feet, Krubera Cave, located in the Arabika Massif, in a region that borders the country of Georgia, is the world’s deepest cave. It is so deep that five-and-a-half Empire State buildings can be stacked up one above the other in it. Discovered in 1960, the cave continues to set new records every time it is explored. Ukrainian diver Gennadiy Samokhin extended its depth further in 2012 by diving into the terminal slump — an area completely submerged in water. Of course, claustrophobic people would not like to go in a cave howsoever wide it may be. This cave has spaces so narrow one has to squeeze through them. But, above all, Krubera Cave is eerily beautiful.





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