This Guy Sent Me A Photo Of His Genitals. He Deserves Your Kindness

Admin 18-Jun-2015 14:37:50 Inothernews

This Guy Sent Me A Photo Of His Genitals. He Deserves Your Kindness

It was just another day at work when I saw the Facebook Messages notification blink red. When I clicked on it, I noticed there were several messages on the 'Others' folder too. Anyone, girls especially, will tell you that clicking on that will throw an avalanche of 'fraandship' type messages your way. Some choose to send them stern responses, but I don't bother making that effort. To each his own.

Here's a little more about him, according to his FB profile.

He works as a Store Manager at Nautinati. You can add him as friend on Facebook. If in case you'd like to add a more personal touch, you can dial 0124-4222548 to call the store helpline or locate the store nearest to you and meet him. That would make him feel very special.

I request all of you to have a heart. Be human and help someone in need.


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