These Indian Generalizations Splendidly Depicted By Venn Charts Are Simply Strike Into! No Offense!

Admin 28-Nov-2014 18:19:05 Inothernews

These Indian Generalizations Splendidly Depicted By Venn Charts Are Simply Strike Into! No Offense!

"All hippies have long hair!" "All doctors have horrible handwriting!" "All nerds have acne!" In India, we've got as many stereotypes as we do people. While most stereotypes are baseless and mean, the kind of stereotyping invented by this genius is downright brilliant. It's mean but not nasty, wacky but not retarded and best of all, it's totally true. Being Satan is a Facebook page dedicated to furthering the cause of the eternal procrastinator. 'Stereotypes in Venn' is the next level way to troll the haters and teach us Indians to laugh at ourselves. So the next time you meet a person with Beats headphones and a Mac, you'll immediately know they're a DJ and you can run the other way; No offense to you bass-droppers out there, and if you ARE offended, Being Satan "Doesn't give a ..." .



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