10 Entertaining Points Singles Is able to do This kind of Valentine’s Day.

Admin 14-Feb-2015 12:55:39 Inothernews

10 Entertaining Points Singles Is able to do This kind of Valentine’s Day.

This Valentine’s day if you’re single and are feeling bad about your relationship status, then don’t. The day is simply overrated, so let the couples do their thing while you do your cool THOANG! Here are some fun things singles can do this Valentine’s day.

3. Walk up to a random couple in a public place and shout, “Baby, I thought you were at work right now and you’re here with…”

Also, ask your friend to record the reactions. This will totally be worth all the slaps, if you get any.


4. Call all your exes and talk random shit with them

Let them wonder what you’re smoking these days.


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