10 Facts About The Third Eye All Humans Have But Don’t Know About

Admin 15-Feb-2016 16:10:02 Inothernews

10 Facts About The Third Eye All Humans Have But Don’t Know About

Our heads have a small endocrine gland which produces hormones responsible for modulating our sleep patterns. The gland is right at the center of the brain, between the two halves of the brain, at the thalamus joint. The gland is shaped like a cone and hence, called the pineal gland. Believers say that the pineal gland, once activated to its full potential can let us travel through dimensions, look through the future and have the supreme knowledge of every unknown mystery of the universe. Let’s find out a bit more about this controversial “Third Eye” which may or may not be the gateway to Enlightenment.

The Shiva Linga is actually the pineal gland

Contrary to the theory that that the Shiva Linga represents a phallic symbol, many are of the belief that the Shiva Linga actually represents the pineal gland. The pineal gland of the human body is best stimulated in darkness.

Interestingly, the Shiva Linga is also placed in the darkest sanctums of the temples. The darkness is believed to be one of the reasons why ancient Rishis did their tapasyas (meditation) in caves.


A blessing for the dark skinned

Several theorists are of the opinion that people of darker skin color are superior to ones with lighter skin with regards to spirituality because of the melatonin secretion that aggregates melanin causing darker skin.

Prejudices had driven the western world (white dominated)to consider melanin to be of no use but with time, the multinational properties were acknowledged.


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