10 Fantastic Reasons Why Each Young lady Must Have A Gay BFF

Admin 28-Nov-2014 14:19:07 Inothernews

10 Fantastic Reasons Why Each Young lady Must Have A Gay BFF

Every girl has that one girl BFF who she simply considers her soul sister. But girls, have you ever thought what would the whole situation be if you had a guy in her place, and that too a gay! I’m not knocking on my girl BFFs here nor am I putting gay people in one category. But just think, life would be a lot simpler and much more fun with a gay BFF. Don’t you have one yet? Here are 10 good reasons why every girl should have a gay BFF in her life.

3.) You get the rare yet fun opportunity of checking out guys together.

This is one simply awesome. The best part about having a 'GBF' (Gay Best Friend) is that you can checkout guys together and share comments over the target's�style. Or simply act as if you’re dating if someone you don’t like hits on you. Fun guaranteed.


4.) He will admire you with all his heart and no pretense whatsoever.

He may be a little jealous of you for all the charm you’ve got to get a man’s eyes on you. But he’ll admire you with all his heart. He may sometimes even take want to learn your tips and tricks for manipulating guys into doing anything you want. (You know like, for a pair of Jimmy Choo�or so


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