10 Indian Instances Of ‘Chutzpah’ That Deserve A Slow Clap

Admin 13-Oct-2014 11:21:04 Inothernews

10 Indian Instances Of ‘Chutzpah’ That Deserve A Slow Clap

Chutzpah \noun\ khoot-spuh\: extreme self-confidence or audacity Originally a Yiddish word, 'Chutzpah,' has been made famous by Haider in a fresh, new indigenous form that sounds suspiciously like a cuss word.

7. Crossing roads like a boss

Pedestrians cross the road when the light is green. And then they get mad at you for nearly running over them. "Kya kar raha hai? Maarega kya?"


8. Using fake currency notes

Everyone loses their minds on discovering fake notes. But later they slyly reuse them saying, "Beech mein daal de, koi nahi dekhega."


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