10 Not-So-Annoying Diwali Gift Choices This Year

Admin 05-Nov-2015 12:43:30 Inothernews

10 Not-So-Annoying Diwali Gift Choices This Year

Hey people. Diwali gifts are not about dinner sets. So those of you who give cliched Diwali gifts, you are doing it wrong. P.S.: You can slyly share this list with your relatives and just hope that they read it.

5. Send them away on a trip.

We all have friends who are super stressed yet never gather the energy to leave their houses. Send them on a rewarding vacation and expect a thank you tag in their next Facebook album.

Source: wikimedia.org


6. Customised stationery.

It’s a sharp and smart gift. And you know they are not going to be passed on to their relatives.

Source: MobileIndustryReview.com


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