10 Precious Life Lessons College Taught Us

Admin 08-Oct-2014 13:23:27 Inothernews

10 Precious Life Lessons College Taught Us

College symbolizes years of bliss, the beginning of complete freedom and self discovery. Our college life is beyond our degree, it about exploring new ideas, meeting new people and growing as a person. It offers us a wide range of social experiences and interactions that ready us for life after graduation. College is an experience that is so much more than text books, exams and lectures. It’s about life lessons that we have learned, that help us graduate in life:

9. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.

We all came across people who always tried to bring us down. These situations taught us how ignoring idle talk is a way to move forward.


10. A well organised life finds time for everything.

And finally, college helped us master the art of time management. We learnt to study, go out, read, watch movies and what not in those 24 hours, triumphantly.


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