11 Signs That Acting Like A Lady Is Not Meant For You

Admin 20-Aug-2014 11:31:01 Inothernews

11 Signs That Acting Like A Lady Is Not Meant For You

As women, we have always been taught what to do, where to go and basically, how to live our lives since forever now. How many times have we heard, ‘Act like a lady!’ from our parents and elders? Sometimes, even total strangers seem to say it to us. Come to think of it, what does it even mean? If you constantly get flak for not ‘acting like a lady’, this one is for you. Here are 11 signs you are not good at ‘acting like a lady’, and shouldn't even bother to try...

Dressing up according to set 'beauty' standards is a daily struggle


You don't understand phrases like "Cross your legs and sit properly" and "Walk like a woman"


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