12 Reasons Why It’s Amazing To Have Parents Who Are Also Your Friends

Admin 02-Aug-2014 10:33:14 Inothernews

12 Reasons Why It’s Amazing To Have Parents Who Are Also Your Friends

There is one school of parenting which is all about strictness, stern looks, corporal punishment and fear! Then there’s another where the parents treat their kids like equals and foster a relationship that’s more of a deep friendship and less of a stern guardianship. There are so many of us out there who have been very lucky to have parents who’re not just loving protectors but also kick-ass friends. Here are 12 reasons why it’s amazing to have parents who are also your friends.

They’re the first ones to tease you playfully in case you’ve done something a little embarrassing. They make sure that you’re comfortable with the topic.


They’ll urge you to go out there and make a boyfriend/girlfriend and request you to tell them all about it!


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