12 Reasons why On the web Shopping Is the greatest Factor That Occurred To me.

Admin 26-Feb-2015 16:15:24 Inothernews

12 Reasons why On the web Shopping Is the greatest Factor That Occurred To me.

Hi, I am Poorva, and I am a shopaholic. There was nothing in this world that gave me more happiness than visiting a mall. Until one day, while randomly browsing the Internet, I discovered that I could shop online! That very day, my life changed forever. Online shopping meant no more "I saw this first, this is mine!" during a sale, no more queues and no more hopping from one store to another. Everything changed for the better and I have no one else but the Internet to thank for that. Here's why I love online shopping.

9. And online sales are dime a dozen.

Shopping portals don't wait for the end of the season to give me fat discounts. I can get a fat discount any time, anywhere. And when I say fat, I mean obese.


10. Once I forgot to buy a gift for my Dad. Guess who came to the rescue? The Internet of course!

Thank-you plastic money and super prompt delivery boy. Now my dad can finally replace that horrible orange tie he pairs with his 5 year old blazer.


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