12 Tricks All Horror Movies Use To Scare You

Admin 10-Feb-2016 13:51:39 Inothernews

12 Tricks All Horror Movies Use To Scare You

People are getting braver day by day when it comes to horror movies. It is harder to scare people today. And I mean the real scare, that used to creep to our bone marrow and lingered for weeks after the movie ended. Then there are the other kind of horror movies that resort to cheap tricks to give us the thrill to make it just worth our money. Both the types do use the same tricks, albeit in different ways.

The soundtrack changes dramatically when the jump scare scene comes up

The music suddenly changes during the scary scene, which startles and scares us even further.


Infrasound – a very low frequency humming noise that fills us with dread

Low-frequency noises are creepy, and that is why a creaky door is thought to be spooky. We have evolved to be scared of low-frequency noises.


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