13 Passionate The show biz industry Films In order to Curl up With your Your bed Watching This particular Winter months.

Admin 22-Dec-2014 17:42:23 Inothernews

13 Passionate The show biz industry Films In order to Curl up With your Your bed Watching This particular Winter months.

When the temperatures drop and everything seems gloomy, all you feel like doing is sitting inside a blanket and doing absolutely nothing. So then, be it! Grab your coffee mug and curl up in your blanket. Here is a list of 20 romantic comedies which are perfect for the winter season:

5. The Notebook

Not your usual romcom, but the romantic at heart swear by this movie! It is more than just the typical poor guy meets rich girl storyline. The story weaves magic and casts a spell that has a lingering effect. It doesn't matter if you have already watched the movie or read the book. Watch it again, fall in love again, and cry yourself to sleep!


6. P.S. I Love You

The poignant story of a young widow out to give life a second chance, guided by letters from her dead husband, is an absolute tearjerker. Starring Gerard Butler, Hillary Swank and Jeffrey Morgan, this is one movie you can watch over and over. And it'll touch your heart every single time.

P.S.: Keep tissues handy.


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