13 Reasons Why Arjun Kapoor Is More Than Simply A Star Child

Admin 05-Dec-2014 18:15:55 Inothernews

13 Reasons Why Arjun Kapoor Is More Than Simply A Star Child

Arjun KAPOOR. Yes, his last name is one of the most powerful in the Indian film industry, but that's not the most powerful thing about him. His journey towards the top is not the blaze of a meteor shower but the slow ascent of a man climbing a dangerous mountain to reach the peak. There are so many actors who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth but Arjun Kapoor stands apart because:

5. He is mature enough to take failure in his stride

In spite of being a star kid, he has seen failure more than once. He quit his studies after failing his board exams but he excelled at the different life he chose to lead.


6. He is not a snob

Be it his co-actors, directors or long-time friends, no one has ever had anything other than good things to say about him.


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