13 Valentine’s Day Date Ideas Which Are Better Than The Usual

Admin 10-Feb-2016 11:52:58 Inothernews

13 Valentine’s Day Date Ideas Which Are Better Than The Usual

Valentine’s Day is around the corner. Cheesy, cute, ultra-romantic couples will flock to every happening and popular place in town, leading to long waiting times and too much love around for your taste. Why not try these out-of-the-box ideas for your special date with your special someone and make the fourteenth day of February memorable for the both of you?

Participate in an open mic event

Do the most unconventional things, this V-Day. Search for an open-mic event, go there, and participate. Try to be funny together, and fail miserably, make the audience laugh anyway. Or enter a karaoke competition and slay everyone else.


Write a story together

Sometimes joy lies in the simple things in life. Think of a world and characters together, and give shape to a story that you both came up with. Write it together and give birth to an amalgamated masterpiece. Think of a unique pen name for the both of you to top it off.


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